
C-drama Ratings and Celeb Rankings (week starting Nov 5)

Monday 12 November 2018

The Family Dong Jie Zhai Tianlin
CSM52 Cities

Finally, we get some much needed change of scenery now that a few dramas have ended. The Story of Zhengyang Gate reached a new high of 1.702% on its last couple days. It is succeeded by The Family on Beijing TV and Forty Years We Walked on Jiangsu TV. Family dramas seem to sit well with the primetime viewing audience as The Family starring Dong Jie, Zhai Tianlin and Roy Chiu breaks 1% upon premiere. I'd be curious to see if it keeps up the pace when Our Glamorous Time joins in.  

Entrepreneurial Age finale numbers came in weak with CSM52 ratings of 0.565% and 0.377% on Dragon TV and Zhejiang TV. Nevertheless, the show did great online, ranking in first along with Huang Xuan and Angelababy who are the top 3 celebs for the week. It had already hit 5 billion views a few days before the finale.

CSM Nationwide

Entering a New Era replaced The Years You Were Late on Hunan TV. However, the show has failed to keep the top spot, falling below top 5 on several days

TV Ratings (CSM52Cities and CSMNationwide are common tv metrics.)

CSM52 Cities

CSM 52 Cities Nov 5

CSM Nationwide

CSM Nationwide Nov 5
*The above are mostly primetime shows that air at 19:30 while those highlighted in blue air at 22:00. **Rankings are overall rankings across the shows airing on the same night, regardless of air time. *** Reruns are not included. **** Dramas that air on CCTV (the state television broadcaster in China) are not included. 

Web Rankings 

Top Dramas (7-day)

Top Celebrities (7-day)
7. Yang Zi 
9. Yang Mi 

*View count is based on the nine streaming sites (Youku, Tudou, iQiyi, QQ Tencent, LeTV, PPTV, Xunlei, Sohu, Mango) ** Star popularity is based on view count, weibo, douban, tieba, search results, etc

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Source: Xunyee