
Tensions Escalate Between Donnie Yen and Iceman 2 Producers

Saturday 3 November 2018

Iceman 2 Discord Between Producers and Donnie Yen
Iceman: The Time Traveler 冰封侠 was released in theaters on Nov. 2 but ratings are not looking good and revenues will probably end up negative just like its prequel. However, unlike the 2014 movie Iceman where it lost money because of a scam, producers claim that lead actor Donnie Yen (Ip Man) is to blame this time.

In hindsight, there were already signs that things were not well. Donnie Yen recently told the media that he had no knowledge that the movie which he filmed a long time ago was premiering because he wasn't informed about the date.  

Iceman 2 Discord Between Producers and Donnie Yen

Iceman 2 Discord Between Producers and Donnie Yen
On November 3,  second day after its showing, a note was posted by the production team revealing what they claim to be the misconducts of Donnie Yen. They enumerated that:

1) Even though they had experts to ensure the historical accuracy of the film, Donnie Yen kept on messing with the script and refused to retake scenes. In a scene, he added a line saying, "the Ming dynasty will be dissolved in ten years," which producers claim was very disrespectful of history.

2) Even though the timeline was set in the Ming dynasty and the hairstyle was supposed to be different, Donnie Yen refused to wear a wig and insisted on shooting with the modern hairstyle as he claimed that the wig restrained his acting.

3) Donnie Yen kept interfering with the directors and ordered the crew around. In addition to that, because of his fear of being upstaged, he also restricted the actions of other actors to the extent that he meddled with the cast. 

4) During post-production, Donnie Yen also got involved, cutting out the parts of other actors. 

The production claimed that they did not go public with their grievances prior to this in hopes that Donnie Yen will still help promote the movie. However, when the movie was set for release, Donnie Yen was said to have denied his involvement in the making of the movie and did not want to market it.

Donnie Yen To Sue Iceman 2 Production
On the accusations, Donnie Yen quickly commented on weibo as he said, "You people are shameless. I will not tolerate your contemptible actions. Just wait for my lawyer's letter!"

Source: 1